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Rhinoplasty in Monterey: Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality

Published on April 1, 2024
beautician touching a woman's nose for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance the appearance of the nose while addressing any functional concerns. Unlike other cosmetic surgeries solely focused on aesthetics, rhinoplasty requires a delicate balance between achieving the desired cosmetic outcome and ensuring optimal nasal function. Let us delve into the dual goals of improving and preserving nasal aesthetics and function with rhinoplasty surgery.

Aesthetic Benefits of Rhinoplasty: Crafting Facial Harmony

The nose plays a central role in facial aesthetics, a well-performed rhinoplasty should result in a nose that harmonizes seamlessly with the patient’s facial features. To achieve aesthetic goals, rhinoplasty may include reshaping the nasal bridge, refining the nasal tip, correcting asymmetry, reducing, or augmenting the size of the nose, and addressing any humps or depressions. However, while pursuing these cosmetic enhancements, the surgeon must also preserve or improve nasal function and consider the patient’s unique facial proportions, ethnicity, and individual preferences.

Functional Benefits of Rhinoplasty: Improving Nasal Breathing

In addition to cosmetic concerns, many individuals seeking rhinoplasty also experience functional issues such as nasal obstruction, breathing difficulty, or nasal deformities caused by injury or congenital factors. Functional rhinoplasty techniques focus on correcting these issues by improving nasal airflow and overall breathing function. This may involve straightening a deviated septum, reducing turbinate size, addressing nasal valve collapse, or repairing structural abnormalities that impede breathing. By enhancing nasal function, functional rhinoplasty not only improves quality of life but also ensures that the aesthetic changes are supported by a foundation of proper nasal airflow.

Candidates for Rhinoplasty

Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are in good general health and are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or symmetry of their noses, or have breathing difficulties due to structural issues. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery is an essential step in the process. Experience in rhinoplasty is paramount due to the intricate and varied nasal structure, necessitating a surgeon’s seasoned expertise to navigate complexities and achieve optimal aesthetic and functional results.

Preview Your Rhinoplasty: Vectra 3D Imaging

David T. Morwood, MD. FACS, in Monterey, CA., is proud to offer Vectra 3D imaging for rhinoplasty procedures. This innovative technology allows patients the capability to visualize potential outcomes and enhance communication when discussing their aesthetic goals during the consultation process. Dr. Morwood uses the information in imaging results to create a customized surgical plan tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy and to provide patients with a more informed process. With careful planning, personalized treatment approaches, and advanced aesthetic techniques, rhinoplasty can achieve transformative results that positively impact both appearance and quality of life.

Learn More About Rhinoplasty

To learn more, we invite you to schedule a personalized evaluation with Dr. Morwood and preview your rhinoplasty results with Vectra 3D imaging. The doctor is a board-certified plastic surgeon recognized for his skills gained not only in aesthetic, cosmetic, and reconstructive surgery fellowships but also through his humanitarian missions, providing life-changing interventions for those in need of cleft palate surgery. Contact David T. Morwood, MD., FACS today to arrange your rhinoplasty consultation in Monterey, CA.

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